11 de março de 2020

Business World

Many people thought that the Internet would cause the death of the Book. For generations, the Book has been the medium for storage and communication of […]
4 de março de 2020


A new study in the journal Social Science and Medicine just discovered that people who read books live longer than people who don’t. Researchers at Yale University […]
26 de fevereiro de 2020

Compulsive Internet disorder

The Internet has become an important aspect of most people’s lives, because it’s used for communication, information, or entertainment. Billions of people around the world send e-mail, chat […]
19 de fevereiro de 2020

Men Hurt More in Bad Relationships

Most people think women are more affected when a relationship is over. According to a new study on over 1,000 break-ups, it is the opposite. Research […]
12 de fevereiro de 2020


The world is obsessed with fad diets and weight loss, yet few of us know how a kilogram of fat actually vanishes off the scales. Even […]
5 de fevereiro de 2020

Genetic Testing for Kids: Is It a Good Idea?

With the advent of new genetic tests, it’s increasingly easy to measure whether you’re predisposed to developing certain conditions — diabetes or breast cancer. For adults, […]
29 de janeiro de 2020

Brexit: London risks losing its role as banker to the world

Suggested video: Brexit- London risks losing its role as banker to the world – CNN Money The United Kingdom and European Union have in recent weeks […]
22 de janeiro de 2020

Grit: The power of passion and perseverance (Angela Duckworth) – TED Talks

When I was 27 years old, I left a very demanding job in management consulting for a job that was even more demanding: teaching. I went to teach seventh […]
15 de janeiro de 2020

Comparing american to chinese parents

Some American parents might think their children need better education to compete with China and other countries. But how much do the parents themselves need to […]