Acronyms = Abbreviation
What is an acronym?
It’s an abbreviation consisting of the first letters of each word in the name of something, pronounced as a word.
- 2: Too, or to
- 4: For
- 10q: Thank you
- 10x: Thanks
- AAF: As a friend
- ADAD: Another day another dollar
- ADIH: Another day in hell
- AEAP: As early as possible
- AFAICR: As far as I can recall / remember
- AFAICS: As far as I can see
- AFAICT: As far as I can tell
- AFAIK: A far as I know
- AFAIR: As far as I remember
- AFAP: As far as possible
- AFK: Away from keyboard
- ALOL: Actually laughing out loud
- ASAP: As soon as possible
- ATEOTD: At the end of the day
- ATM: At the moment
- B2B: Business to business
- B4: Before
- BBIAB: Be back in a bit
- BBQ: Barbecue
- BBL / BBS: Be back later / shortly / soon
- BCNU: Be seein’ you
- BFF: Best friends forever
- BFN: Bye for now
- BRB: Be right back
- BTW: By the way
- CMIIW: Correct me if I’m wrong
- CUL: See you later
- CYA: See ya
- D / L: Download
- DND: Do not disturb
- EOF: End of file
- EOM: End of message
- ETA: Estimated time of arrival
- F9: Fine
- FAQ: Frequently asked question (s)
- FOAF: Friend of a friend
- FTFY: Fixed that for you
- FTL: For the loss
- FTW: For the win
- FWIW: For what it’s worth
- FYI: For your information
- GBTW: Get Back to work
- GF: Great / good fight
- GFU: Good for you
- GL: Good luck, used before a game
- GTG or G2G: Got to go or Good to go
- HAND: Have a nice day
- HF: Have fun
- HTH: Hope this / that helps
- IDK: I don´t know
- IHT: I had to
- IIUC: If I understand correctly
- ILY: I love you
- IMO: In my opinion
- IMAO: In my arrogant opinion
- IOW: In other words
- JAS: Just a sec
- JFTR: Just for the record
- JK or J / K: Just kidding or Joke
- K or KK: Ok
- KTHX: Ok, thanks
- LSR: Later
- LMAO: Laughing my ass of
- LOL: Laughing out loud or Laugh out loud
- LTNS: Long time no see
- LYLAB: Love you like a brother
- LYLAS: Love you like a sister
- MOTD: Message of the day
- MTFBWY: May the Force be with you
- MYOB: Mind your own business
- M8: Mate
- N1: Nice one, used mostly often in gaming
- NGL: Not gonna lie
- NIFOC: Naked in front of computer
- NM or N / M: Not much or Never mind
- NP: No problem
- NVM, NVMD or NM: Nevermind or Not much
- ORLY: Oh really?
- OIC: Oh, I see
- OMG: Oh my God
- OMGWTF: Oh my God what the fuck
- PAW: Parents are watching
- POV: Point of view
- PPL: People
- RL: Real life
- RSN: Real soon now (used sarcastically)
- SCNR: Sorry, could not resist
- SFW: Safe for work
- SOS: Someone (watching or Over shoulder)
- STFU: Shut the fuck up
- TBH: To be honest
- TG: That’s great
- TGIF: Thank God it’s Friday
- THX / THNX, TNX or TX: Thanks
- TIA: Thanks in advance
- TMI: Too much information
- TTYL: Talk to you later (also spelled TTUL, T2UL or T2YL)
- TTYN: Talk to you never
- TTYS: Talk to you soon
- WB: Welcome back
- W / E: Whatever
- W / E: Weekend
- WTF: What the fuck
- WTG: Way to go
- WTH: What the hell
- WS: Wait
- YGM: You’ve got mail
- TKW: You know what?
- YTMND: You’re the man now, dog
- YW: You’re welcome