Conversation Activity: Medical Ethics
Here are some polemical issues. Help us decide whether they’re ethical or not and justify it.
- The patient has got a deadly disease. He asks the doctor what his real situation is and the doctor tells him he’s OK.
- The patient is suffering from terrible pain due to a serious disease. He’s connected to machines to keep him alive.He asks the doctor to stop his suffering by turning off the machines.The doctor refuses to do it.
- A man had just bought health insurance. He had a terrible accident. When he was hospitalised the hospital didn’t accept him.
- An old lady is diagnosed with a serious illness. She decides to sell her possessions and take a long trip. When she comes back (totally broke) she finds out the diagnosis was wrong.
- The hospital is administered by religious people. A nun catches a married doctor and a nurse in bed.
- A doctor is caught stealing drugs at the hospital pharmacy because he’s addicted.