1- General questions
1- What kind of preparation did you do for this interview?
2- Tell me about yourself, your background.
3- How would you describe yourself?
4- If hired, what kind of employee would you be?
5- What are you looking for in a job?
2- Education
1- Tell me about your education.
2- Why did you choose your university college?
3- What did you major in? Why?
4-Have you ever changed your major field of interest while in college? Why?
5- Tell us about your experience in high school/college.
6- What did you like most about your educational experience?
7- What courses did you like most? Least? Why?
8- In which courses did you do best? Worst? Why?
9- Did you have any courses in…at university?
10- Was there a course in particular that you found to be especially
11- How good a student were you?
12- Why weren’t your grades better in school?
13- What was your GPA in high school/college?
14- Do your grades in high school/college reflect your ability? Why?
15- In what school activities have you participated? Which did you enjoy the
16- At the university did you have to work with people from other countries?
17- What kind of disciplinary problems did you encounter in college?
18- What professor most influenced your life?
19- What do you most value about your education? Why?
20- Would you consider yourself educated? Why?
21- What are your educational goals?
22- Do you have plans to continue your education?
3- Business Philosophy
1- What is your philosophy towards work?
2- What do you feel are important principles for operating a successful
3- What types of values and beliefs do you feel are detrimental to a
5- In your opinion, why are certain business successful when others are not?
6- In your view, what factors account for most business failures?
7- What kind of planning processes are characteristic of successful
4- Work Ethic
1- How would you describe your work ethic?
2- How would your colleagues /employer describe your work ethic?
3- Have you ever been in situation, at work, when you have been motivated
to question an ethical issue?
4- How do you respond when asked about something you cannot reveal
because you are bound by confidentiality?
5- What would you do if you do if you saw a valued customer behaving in an
unethical manner?
5- Qualifications
1- What makes you qualified for this position?
2- I think you’re overqualified/under-qualified for this position. What do you
3- Do you think you are overqualified for this position?
4- What do you consider your most outstanding qualities?
5- In what areas are others most complimentary of you?
6- Have you ever tried to do a job for which you were unqualified?
7- How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience?
8- In which areas do you consider yourself a specialist?
6- Leadership
1- What are the attributes of a good leader?
2- What’s the difference between a leader and a manager?
3- Do you consider yourself a leader? If so, give an example. If not, Why not?
4- In what situations do you prefer to use your leadership skills?
5- Describe a situation where you persuaded others to follow your suggestions.
6- Describe one experience when you had to lead a team.
7- Management Style
1- How would you describe your management style?
2- What is the difference between a manager and leader?
3- What are attributes of a good manager?
4- Are you more of a manager or more of a leader?
5- What is the proper role of a manager? Why?
6- What do you consider to be the characteristics of an effective manager?
7- Describe your planning process as a manager.
8- Which are you: more controlling or more participative in your
management style?
9- What do you feel are your strongest attributes as a manager?
10- Why do you believe you are an effective manager?
11- Are you good at delegating tasks? Describe a situation.
12- What steps do you take to ensure that the work you delegate is
13-What approach do you take in getting your people to accept your ideas
or department goals?
14- How would you effectiveness as a manager?
15- Describe the relationship that should exist between the supervisor and
those reporting to him or her?
16- How do you feel when people who report to you don’t seem to do
things as neatly and orderly as you?
17- How do you feel when to deviate from a plan because they want to try
a “shot cut”?
18- What techniques do you use to motivate weaker employees?
19- What kinds of behaviors would you discourage?
20- What is the toughest manage4ment decision you have ever hat to
21- Describe how you evaluate performance.
22- Describe how you monitor and control department operations.
23- Describe your approach to employee development.
24- Describe your employee selection process.
8-Education and career
1- Did your formal education prepare you for this career? How?
2- What specific courses have proven most helpful to you in performing
your job?
3- Hot have you used your education to you benefit?
4- Has your education helped your career as you expected
9- Skills and personal growth
1- What are your key skills?
2- What skills do your have that would benefit our company?
3- What skiils do you think are most critial to this job?
4- Do your skills match this or more closely?
5- In what specific areas do you need to expland your knowledge to
become more proficient at this job?
6- What have you done tm improve your knowledge in the last year?
7- What steps have you taken over the last year to improve your overall
8- What skills would you like to develop in this job?
9- Tell me about a time that you undertook a course of study, on your
own initiative, in order to improve your work perfomance?
10- What was the last seminar you attended?
11- Have you ever feedback about your work?
10- Performance
1- Rate your performance at your current job.
2- What do you do best in your present position?
3- Please explain your past three performance evaluations?
4- What areas have most frequently been cited as your key strengths/
5- What was the most embarrassing situation of your career?
6- How would your colleagues/ employer describe your work
7- What improvements he/she would say could be made?
11- Creativity
1- Which is more important: creativity or efficiency? Why?
2- Do you consider yourself to be more analytical or more creative?
3- What examples com you give that highlight your creativity?
4- What is the most creative thing you have ever done?
5- How often do you discuss with your colleagues to think up new systems
and styles of working?
6- When you are around a group of people, especially people you are
acquainted with, do you ever find it difficult to just sit back and listen
without interjecting your thoughts, ideas and comments?
7-What kind of ideas or innovations have you introduced to your current
and former jobs?
8- Have you ever been in a real dilemma at work? What did you do to get
out of it?
12- Success and failure
1- Define success.
2- How do you determine or evaluate success?
3- Do you consider yourself successful?
4- What personal characteristics are necessary in your chosen field?
5- How would you know you were successful on this job?
6- What single skill or capability has most contributed to your career
7- What honors have you earned in your life?
8- Describe your most significant success and failure in the last two
9- Describe the most rewarding experience of your career thus far.
10-What factors have stood in the way of your career success to-date?
11-What have you learned from your mistakes on the job?
13- Efficiency
1- Can you tell me about a time when you discovered a more efficient way
to do a work task?
2- Describe a situation where you prioritized the elements of a complicated
3- Do you often you don’t seem to have enough time in the day to get
everything done?
4- How do you handle a situation with tight deadlines?
5- Do you always double-check your work?
6- Is detail important to you?
7- In what type of work setting do you feel you are the most productive?
8- In which of you past position were you most productive?
9- Describe a situation where you anticipated potential problems and
developed preventive measures.
10-How do you prioritize your work?
11- When a logical approach to a job is ineffective, how do you come up
with a solution?
12- How did you tackle an assignment you were not clear of how to go
about it?
13- How do you use customer feedback?
14- In what areas do others most rely or depend on you?
15- Would you rather have a project done a little later, but with everything
in perfect order, or would you consider it more important to turn in on- time
even if it wasn’t perfect?
16- Do you have your own “system” for filing and organizing things in your
17- How do you normally react toward people, especially co-workers, who
just seem to be slow at getting thing done that you may need waiting for?
14- Accomplishments and achievements
1- What would you most like to accomplish IF you had this job?
2- What do you consider to be your greatest achievements to date? Explain.
3- What would your co-workers / employer say are your biggest
achievements at work?
4- Have you ever accomplished something that you didn’t think you could?
5- How has your technical ability been important in accomplishing results?
6- What is the biggest accomplishment at your current job?
7- What changes have you brought to the job since entering the position?
8- What major accomplishments demonstrate your qualifications for this
9- Tell me about a contribution you’ve made to a team accomplishment.
10- Tell me about something you accomplished that required strict
11- Tell me about a project you completed ahead of schedule.
15- Strenghts
1- What are your strengths?
2- What are your greatest strengths for this job?
3- What would your previous/current say your strongest point is?
4- In which areas of your job do you feel capable and in which areas do
you feel more comfortable utilising other people’s experience?16- Weaknesses
1- What are your weaknesses?
2- Do you have any blind spots?
3- What are areas in which you feel you need some improvement?
4- From a work-related standpoint, what is your biggest shortcoming and
5- What would your current manager say are your weaknesses?
6- What are your greatest limitations for this job?
17-Work Environment
1- In what kind of work environment are you most comfortable?
2- How do you handle a situation with low employee morale?
18- Communication Skills
1- Have you ever spoken to a large group of people? Tell us about it.
2- How would you rate your communication skills and what have you
done to improve them?
3- Have you ever been told could convince anybody to do just about
4- Do you find it hard to just summarize things and not cover every
detail you think others need to know?
5- Give an example when you had to present complex information in a
simplified manner in order to explain it to someone.
6- Give us an example of a situation where you faced difficult
communication problems.
7- What steps do you take to clarify unclear information, or instructions
with regard to your work?
8- What steps do you take to establish a rapport with others?
9- Give me an example of a time when you had to put your point across
in a meeting to which most of the people were reluctant to hear.
19- Interpersonal skills and customer service
1- Describe your relationship with your former) employer.
2- What kinds of people do you most like working with?
3- Tall about a past co-worker you enjoyed worker you enjoyed working
with. What did you like about that person?
4- What kind of people do you have the most trouble working with?
5- Talk about a past co-worker you didn’t like working with. What was it
about that person that you didn’t like?
6- What irritates you about co-workers?
7- What kind of person would you reuse to work with?
8- What examples can you give me that demonstrate your ability to
work well with others?
9- When confronted with an angry person, what would you do?
10- When you believe you are right about something, how do you react
to people who may question your logic or disagree with you?
11- If someone is critical of you and appears not to like you, what do
you do?
12- What would you do if you felt you did not fit in well with your work
13- Do you feel it is more important to be well to be well liked by others
by others or be admired for your effectiveness? Why?
14- Can you tell me about a time you did something extra for the benefit
of the customer?
15- Have you ever felt irritated or frustrated while dealing with a
16- How will you initiate a new relationship with a potential client? Do you
think it is necessary?
17- What kind of customer queries have you been handling?
18- What would you do if you felt the existing systems and solutions are
not sufficient to meet the demands of customers properly?
19- Who did you choose as personal references and why?
20- Team work and cooperation
1- Do you think it is important to promote team building among
employees in the organization?
2- Do you prefer working alone or in teams?
3- Do you consider yourself to be a team player? Why?
4- Can you explain the working culture of your current/last team?
5- How well do you work with people?
6- Do you feel you work more effectively on a one basis or in a group
7- What position do you prefer on a team working on a project?
8- Give me example of a situation where you helped your colleague?
9- Can you tell me about a time when you backed off in a meeting
because you felt someone else should speak or have an opportunity?
10- How would you show your co-workers the importance of
11- Give me an example of a time when you assisted a co-worker to
enhance their work skills?
12- Tell me about a time when you had to help a co-worker who had
made a bad mistake?
13- What do you do to help your colleagues perform to the best of their
21-Stress and pressure
1- How are you in dealing whit stressful situations? Give an example.
2- How do you work under pressure?
3- Describe a situation where you worked effectively under pressure.
4- How do you like a low-key environment where there doesn’t seem to
be very many demands made on you?
5- Give us an example of when you have worked to an unreasonable or
been faced with a huge challenge.
6- What are biggest pressures with your current job?
22-Problem solving and decision making
1- What kind of problems have people recently called on you to solve?
Tell us what you have devised.
2- Tell me about a task that really tested your analytical abilities?
3- How do you handle a situation with inadequate resources?
4- Describe a situation where you overcame what seemed to be an
insurmountable obstacle.
5- What is the toughest problem you’ve had how did you overcome it?
6- Describe a situation where you showed creativity solving a problem.
7- Can you tell me about a situation where your analysis of a problem
was deemed to be incorrect? What would you have done differently?
8- How do you react in a situation where you need to take immediate
9- How do you make decisions that do not fall within your area of
10- Have you ever tried to delay any decision-making? What were the
11- Do you always make decisions on your own without the help of
12- In which situations do you use other’s help for decision-making?
13- How do you decide when something is too risky, even if the rewards
are great?
14- Do you sometimes get concerned before making a decision that
there’s something else you need t know, but just what it is?
16- Have you ever had to fire anyone? How did you feel about that?
17- Describe a situation where you had to make an unpopular decision.
23- Conflicts
1- How would you evaluate / describe your to ability to deal with
conflict? Explain.
2- Tell me about a time when you helped resolve a dispute between
3- Describe a situation where you handled a difficult situation with a co-
4- Have you ever had a difficulty with a supervisor? How did you resolve
the conflict?
5- Tell do about a situation where you were aware of a serious mistake
made by a colleague and what did you do about it?
1- How important do you think is taking risk in business? Why?
2- Do you perceive yourself as a “cautious risk take”? Explain.
3- What is the biggest business risk you have ever taken?
4- Have you ever used a new idea without being certain of the outcome
5- When you are unsure of the outcome when trying a new idea, how do
you react?
6- What business risks have you taken that backfired on you?
25- Motivation and drive
1- Would you regard yourself as a self-starter?
2- What motivates you to do your best on the job?
3- What type of work do you find rewarding and stimulating?
4- In which of your past positions were you most motivated?
5- What do you think are the factors that normally boost the morale of
your fellow workers?
26- Job and Professional satisfaction
1- Are you satisfied with your career to date? What would you change if you
2- How would describe the type of work you most like to do?
3- What kind of work least appeals to you?
4- Describe the best job you’ve ever had.
5- When were you most satisfied in your job?
6- Which of your past jobs did you least enjoy?
7- What two or three accomplishments have given you the most
satisfaction? Why?
8- What has disappointed you about a job?
9- Tell me about the most fun you have had on the job?
28- Employer and supervisor
1- Describe the best supervisor you’ve ever had.
2- What traits do you like least about your current supervisor?
Most? Why?
3- How has your current and previous employer treated you?
4- How would your employer describe you?
5- What are three positive things your last boss would say about you?
6- Do you prefer to work under supervision or on your own? Why?
7- What qualities do you look for in a boss?
27- Last or current job
1- Tell us about your last / current job do your responsibilities include?
2- Do you like your present job?
3- Why are you unhappy with your current job?
4- What do you like most about your murrent job? Least? Why?
5- What do you see as some of the limitations of your current job?
6- In your last job, were there any aspects that differed from your initial
7- What experience do you have in this field / area?
8- What have you leanerd from you past jobs?
9- In which of your past positions did you feel most comfortable? Why?
10- in which of you past positions did you feel you dind’t fit in? why?
29- Co-Workers
1- Describe the Best co-workers you’ve ever had.
2- What traits do you like least about your current co-workers? Most?
3- How would your colleagues at work describe you?
4- What do co-workers say about you?
30-Job change
1- What jobs have you help? How were they obtained?
2- Why have you help so many jobs?
3- Can you explain this gap in your emploument history?
4- Why did you leave your last job?
5- Why do you want to leave you current position?
6- Is this decision to change something that has come on recently?
7- Have you ever been subject to any dicipline at a job? Why?
8- Have you ever been fired or asked to resing from a job? Why?
9- How long would you expect to work for us if hired?
10- Give us three examples of what would make you leave this
11- Have you ever collected unemployment, disability, or
worker’s compensation?
12- Are you applying for other jobs?
31- Re-Entering the job
1- Have you done any other non-work-related activities to keep up your
2- You’ve been out of the workforce for a while. Do you feel this fact will
cause any problems for adjustment to this position?
3- You have not worked for several months. Would you mind explaining
this absence?
32- New company
1- Tell us what you know about Tour Company.
2- What interests you about our products / services?
3- What trends you see in our industry?
4- What do you know about our competitors?
5- Why did decide to seek a position in this company?
6- What do you think it takes to be successful in a company like ours?
7- Are you seeking employment in a company of a certain size? Why?
8- What criteria are you using to evaluate the company for which you
hope to work?
33- New job / New position
1- What do you know about the position you are being interviewed for?
2- What was it that attracted you to this position?
3- What have you done to prepare for this position?
4- If you were hiring a person for this position?
5- Why do you think you would do well at this job?
6- What is the first thing you would change, if you were to start work
7- After learning more about this position, which aspects interest you
most/ least?
8- What are you hoping to achieve in your next job?
9- Which aspects of this job do you feel most confident about?
10- What concerns you most about performing this job?
11- How does your experience relate to this job, in particular?
34- Priorities
1- Which is more important to you, Money or satisfaction?
2- What’s more important to you- the work itself or how much you’re
paid for doing it?
3- Are you willing to relocate if required?
4- If you had enough money o retire right now, would you?
35- Personal suitability and flexibility
1- Are you willing to travel for the job?
2- Are you willing to relocate if required?
3- Do you have geographic preference? Why?
4- How do you feel about the commute?
5- Are you willing to work overtime? Nights? Weekends?
6- How soon can you start?
7- Describe a situation where you adapted to a new and difficult situation.
8- How well do you adapt to new situations?
36- Contribution to new company
1- In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our
2- What can you do for us other candidates can’t?
37- Career goals and chalenges
1- How ambitious are you?
2- Why did you choose this career?
3- What important goals have you achieved in the past year?
4- What are the most important rewards you expect in your career?
5- What makes you think that this job is right for you at this point in
your career?
6- Do you think this position offers you the challenges you need?
7- Do you believe long-term goals (strategic objectives)are important
than the short-term achievements(tactical objectives)?
8- What are your long-range goals and objectives?
9- What do you see you self doing 3/5/10 years from now?
10- How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
What specific goals than those related to your occupation have you
established for yourself in the next ten years?
11- Which of your past jobs provided the most interesting challenges?
12- Which of your past jobs did you find least challenging?
13- What new challenges would you enjoy taking on?
14- Have you progressed in your career as expected?
15- Have you ever taken a position that didn’t fit into your long-term
38- Salary and promotions
1- What kind of salary do you need?
2- What do you expect your stating salary to be?
3- What are your expectations regarding promotions and salary
4- What you expect to be earning in five years?
5- Have you been overlooked for a promotion, which you felt you
deserved? How did you react?
39- Activities, interests and involvement
1- Everyone has certain likes and dislikes. What kind of people do you
like? Dislike?
2- What books have you read in the past year? Why?
3- To what magazines/newspapers do you subscribe? Why?
4- What are your top three television shows?5- Growing up, Who were some of your role models?
6- Who are some of your influences today?
7- How would a good friend describe you?
8- Everyone has prejudices. What are some of yours?
9- What do you really want to do in life?
10- What do you do in your spare time?
11- Are you involved in any sports? If yes, which ones?
12- Do you have any hobbies? If yes, what are some of your hobbies?
13- Describe how a sport or hobby taught you a lesson in a team in a team
or work discipline.
14- What are some of the things that you do to relax?
15- Do you belong to organization? Tell us about it.
16- Tell about a movie you’ve seen that really inspired you.
17- What kind of volunteer work are you involved in right now? Explain.
18- Have you ever held or ran for public office? If so, explain.
19- Other than work, tell me about an activity you’ve remained interested
in over several years.
20- Tell me about an interest that you outgrew.
21- How is your personality reflected in the of activity you enjoy?
22- When you aren’t at work, do you prefer to stick to a schedule, or do
you prefer to be spontaneous?
40- Family
1- Tell us about your immediate family.
2- How much time do you spend with your family?
41- Final questions
1- Is there anything you would like to add before we end?
2- Do you have any questions for me?
42- Questions for the interviewer
1- What characteristics are unique about this company?
2- What is the organizational structure of the company and of the
3- What are the short and long-range company objectives?
4- In what areas does this company excel?
5- What outside influence affect this company’s growth?
6- What are the common denominators of successful people this company?
7- How long was the last person in this position? What made this person
8- What would you expect me to achieve during my first my months to a
9- How can I contribute to the department and to e the company goals?
10- How do you think I could contribute most effectively now that you know
more about me?
11- Why do you enjoy working here?
12- What attracted you to this company?
13- Is there anything I’ve mentioned you think I’m best candidate for this